Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sophie Soloway: Final Project Proposal

I don't know what I want to do for my final project. So far this semester my stuff has been all over the place - charcoal and graphite drawings, woodworking, maskmaking, baking, staplegunning, facepainting, etc. There is no unifying theme. For the Color and Light project I will probably experiment with natural dyes, light fabric, sculptural wire framing, and a lightbulb. I will make my dyes out of onion skins (yellow), turmeric (orange), coffee grinds (brown), spinach (green), grass (yellow-green), tea (ecru), and beets (red). As Monty Python would say, "Now for something completely different."
I'm excited about the dye project and I think I would like to explore that for the final project. If I had to make a guess at what I will do, this is the plan: I will stretch a muslin cotton fabric over a wooden frame. On this "canvas," I would like to make a charcoal drawing of something - a person's body stretched across the frame and going off on both sides, or a spray of flowers, or a reaching hand, or a friend's face turning down to some task, an image from a favorite poem. Who knows. I'll figure out some way to fix the charcoal and color the scene with natural dyes in order to give it an ephemeral, natural look.
And now for some inspirational quotes that have kindled some excitement in me about the Color and Light project:

"Poets and artists live on frontiers. They have no feedback, only feedforward. They have no identities. They are probes." - Marshall McLuhan

"It’s almost as though communication becomes high-speed sculpture in a conceptual dimension made of light and intentionality." - Terence McKenna

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