Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4- Mary Kate LoPiccolo: Translation, Imitation, and Emulation

For this assignment, I copied Botticelli's The Birth of Venus. I chose to reproduce only a portion of the painting--her face--which I found absolutely stunning. While reading Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, I could not help but to agree with his disdain towards artistic reproductions due to the fact that they lose the "aura" of their initial emotional, historical, and artistic context. Works of art tend to have much more effect when observed from life--the textures of each stroke, the curves of marble, the etchings on wood. However, after reflecting on his essay's contents, I realized that most of the artwork that I have seen has in fact been reproduced. Although I am aware that I may be missing out on their entire worth, I do appreciate the fact that I have been able to experience part of their beauty. Reproductions have been able to give those who cannot fly around the world the opportunity to embrace art--and while this may not be the best situation, it is a good alternative!

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